Can LinkedIn Endorsements Hurt Your Career as a Creative?

Summary: Before I even get started, I feel it is important to state that I am a fan of LinkedIn. I believe there is a huge upside to being able to meet other professionals in one’s area of expertise. However, there are certain aspects of the professional network that could be considered a hindrance to one’s career. Now that some time has passed, and the dust has settled a bit in regards to LinkedIn’s recommendations feature, I thought now would be a good time to revisit the feature and assess whether it is a viable career advantage. Although the creative industry is more of a “show me” world, usually a recommendation is never a bad thing…or is it? What LinkedIn did was find a way to invite a member’s contacts…

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Ma Bell, Oh Where Have You Gone?

Summary: Seems like forever since AT&T was known as “Ma Bell” since it owned long distance and local service, as well as equipment. And that equipment was indestructible. Once our government decided we would be financially better off with a broken apart AT&T, the “Baby Bells” eventually ate each other up like Pac Man. Now Verizon, the foremost “baby” of the Bells, is the chief competitor of its mother, dear ol’ AT&T.

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10 Years Later, Advertising Week Continues

Summary: Who would have thought that Advertising Week would have lasted 10 years? Truth be told, we thought it was a noble venture, but one to be forgotten and tossed into the fold along the endless ranks of awards, ceremonies and “creativity festivals”.

But Advertising Week goes on.

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