AdLand’s Self-Regulators: Yes, We Have Them Too!

Summary: What exactly is self-regulation? We looked it up in the dictionary and its answer was unsatisfying. Self-regulation has been a hot topic for the past decade, and for good reason. The most notable reason is the banking industry; a group that basically regulated itself, with limited to no supervision. When the end of 2007 came, so did the U.S.’s booming economy.

Financial institutions are not the only ones that created self-regulating entities.

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Creative Coworkers: Your Other Family

Summary: If you are a professional creative, you know that there are many factors that can contribute to your success. Like everything in life, it is through a strong support group that helps determine our success. But unlike other fields, the creative industry is all too often a dysfunctional world that leads us to rely on our extended family members a little more than most career paths.

It is not that we creatives cannot be independent individuals in our craft, but to be truly successful in the creative world, especially in advertising, the best executions are team-built. In the midst of a campaign pitch through launch, chances are you will be spending more time with copywriters, art directors, creative directors…

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Gimme Some ‘Tude’

Summary: What makes the Geico Hump Day TV spot so fabulous is not the Emmy-caliber acting of Caleb the Camel. Many camels could walk through a set and munch on leaves when available.

The secret is in the casting. Chris Sullivan, a New York area actor with credits from Broadway to TV to movies, makes it work.

Chris gives Caleb some attitude. He makes Caleb the office clown.

Caleb is the guy who doesn’t want to work and bothers everyone else so they can’t. He’s in exactly on time and gone exactly on time.

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